Monday, June 27, 2016


BY ana IN , 1 comment

I bet you have ever watch Sesame Street in television. It's funny and entertaining for a kid, no? In this program, there are a lot of funny yet adorable character like the pig, the frog, and the others. I never paid attention to a special character when I watch this as a kid. But when I grew up and taking my higher education in university, I just realized one thing: The Cookie Monster is quite cute and cool.

With its blue fur and his awkward movements, he looks really adorable. Not to mention his job as a (doll) entertainer and his hobbies for life: eating cookies. He live by eating cookies, earn money by eating them in front of camera, and known  with a nickname that represent what he likes the most. How could life go wrong for him? 

That time, I disappointed with my life. Why is there are no jobs as a cookie eater in the world that I live in? T_T


Saturday, June 25, 2016


BY ana IN , No comments

Love hurts/But sometimes its a good hurt/Cause it feel like I'm alive../

Those are a snippet view from Incubus's song lyric, Love Hurt. At a glance, those lines feels a little bit masochistic, no? How could you say that a pain causes by love would be feel so good? Well, it might seems hard to understand, but it's true. Pain are good for you.

Life is beautiful. Life is a bless, especially if you are born in a good family. As a child, world is a big playground full of adventurous journey to explored. But we are forced to get old, and life doesn't seem so easy anymore. We have to fight, compete, and likely to fall many times to stand on our feet today. Life is such a pain.

But it's a good pain, anyway. You are ready to fight harder, because of the failures you've experienced. You are ready to learn more, because of your desire for not to fall behind. And thus, you are ready to love more because of the heartbreak, the desire to preserve things you love the most, to keep them for not feeling the pain you've ever tasted.

ODOP-Day 3

Thursday, June 23, 2016


BY ana IN , No comments

We live in the era that  socializing over smartphone are more common than open a conversation with a stranger in front of us. You can say that the world is quieter from people's speaking sound, though louder and noisier in written status and comments on social media. So, from a large number of friends we have on our social media, does this make people transform to a social butterflies? When you can say anything, anytime, to anyone (anonymously), do you think you are socializing enough?

Sadly, no. One real indicator to measure if a person is in a good relationship with someone is by feeling the silence between them. Yes, it's not by measure the qualities of the conversation, but it's the opposite. Maybe you can discuss, listen, or even argue with your partner, but it doesn't make you good at socializing. The real thing is begin when you two are quiet, playing with silence and enjoy the moment without hesitation to do anything more or less than that. This is what makes you a good socializer.

The stranger beside you can be asking some weird question seconds later, or even just stares you with a smile. But if you can stand the silence, you are ok. If you don't feel burdened by the quiet moment, not checking you phone or thinking some cheesy chit-chat to break the silence, you are a good socializer, who can connect with people loudly or silently.

ODOP-Day 2

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Favorite Books

BY ana IN , No comments

When talking about books, most of the books that I love so much was novel with psychological twist inside and the historical one. Take a look at "Harimau-harimau" by Mochtar Lubis, "Ziarah" by Iwan Simatupang, and "The Outsider" by Albert Camus. At first sight, these novels sometimes was seen as crazy works, but when you read it, you can feel the wisdom thoughts of life, death, and the meaning of human itself. You can laugh at yourself when you are agreed from writer's dark humor, yet you can be in a love-hate relationship with the writer's statement about life.

From the historical section, I am fond of Tetralogi Buru by P.A.T and works of Ken Follet. Writing a history can be very tricky, with traps like choosing the right angles and sides which can make the result quite tendentious (and trashy). But those two writers are clever; P.A.T. writing about marginal groups and Follet are taking both sides angles so they can avoid of being so tendentious. Besides their capability of making such a good and meaningful storyline, those skill are one thing that makes their novels great.

ODOP-Day 1

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sehari Satu Paragraf

BY ana IN No comments

Di masa ketika sosial media menjadi raja, mudah sekali kita mengetahui tren yang sedang berlangsung di sebuah kelompok sekalipun kita bukan bagian dari mereka. Sebut saja ODOJ. Akronim dari One Day One Juz ini merupakan sebuah gerakan dan ajakan untuk para muslim untuk membaca Al-quran dengan target tertentu. Satu Hari Satu Juz. Buat kebanyakan orang biasa (termasuk saya), baca Al-quran satu hari satu juz merupakan hal yang berat. Ada segudang alasan yang melatarbelakanginya, antara lain.. Ups, tidak, saya bukan ingin curhat tentang ODOJ. Doakan saja supaya saya mampu baca satu hari satu juz, meningkat dari bacaan sekarang yang meski setiap hari, jumlah dan pemahaman saya belum seberapa. One Day One Paragraph Seakan menjadi epigon tren muslim yang booming beberapa tahun yang lalu, salah seorang rekan di tempat kerja saya mencetuskan ide ketika kami sedang mengobrol. Ia merasa, setelah hampir setengah tahun les bahasa inggris di sebuah tempat ternama yang bayarannya juga lumayan, tidak ada perubahan yang berarti pada penambahan kosakatanya. Maklum, teman saya ini sebentar lagi menginjak usia 40, jadi sudah sulit menggunakan metode menghapal seperti anak-anak sekolah. Maka, senanglah ia ketika sang guru les mencetuskan ide untuk belajar kosakata dengan menulis. Teorinya, dengan sering meneggunakannya, sebuah kata akan lebih mudah diingat. Apalagi, menulis satu paragraf satu hari tidak terlalu membutuhkan banyak waktu seperti bila harus menghapal. Murid senang, tempat les pun senang karena tak harus kehilangan bayaran satu murid yang hamper keluar karena putus asa. Konsisten Tentu tantangan terberat yang harus dilalui para pembelajar adalah masalah konsistensi. Seperti halnya para penggiat One Day One Juz yang harus konsisten meluangkan waktu untuk membaca 10 lembar Al-Quran demi memenuhi target bacaan, menulis juga butuh kesinambungan niat. Bahkan jika tak ada ide, menulis harus dilakukan supaya tidak kehilangan pace. Karena saya tergoda untuk juga terjun dalam praktek pembelajaran bahasa inggris tanpa harusbayar uang les ini, saya juga harus konsisten untuk tak kembali ke jurang kemalasan dan kedunguan yang menular. Ada yang jual segentong konsistensi?